terça-feira, novembro 27, 2007

quarta-feira, novembro 21, 2007

To my friend...

"O tempo é a dimensão da mudança. Sem percepção da mudança, não há e não pode haver percepção do tempo. E as diferentes atitudes para com o tempo são corolários de diferentes atitudes para com a mudança. "
Walter Kaufmann, in 'O Tempo é um Artista'
My friend, tu és muito forte e vais conseguir ultrapassar isso, tenho a certeza disso!

Beijinho enorme da Parola que Gosta Muuuuuuuuito de Ti!!!

terça-feira, novembro 20, 2007

Death at a Funeral + Pressure Point

De Chorar a Rir :)) !!!!!!!!!!!!

"Na manhã do funeral de um ente querido, família e amigos vão chegando com os seus problemas e ansiedades. O filho Daniel sabe que terá de enfrentar o pretensioso irmão Robert (Graves), um famoso romancista. A sua prima Martha e o noivo Simon estão desesperados por causar boa impressão ao pai dela, um plano que sai de imediato furado quando Simon ingere acidentalmente um alucinogénio. E há ainda o misterioso convidado mistério que ameaça desvendar um chocante segredo de família... "
Já não me lembro da última vez que vi uma comédia que me fizesse rir até perder a respiração! Essa comédia está genial!!!

sexta-feira, novembro 16, 2007

Ontem quebrei a rotina.....

Foto tirada daqui: http://cerejasmaduras.blogspot.com/

Ontem recebi uma sms de um a amigo, as 12h30, a dizer :
"Vamos passear?", ao que respondi :
- "passear? isso era para mim?"
- "era, lembrei-me"
- "Bora"
- "tomamos café em qualquer lado e depois vamos para o Pinhal da Paz"
- "podes ir buscar-me pelas 13?"
- "Claro"
- "Ah! e tal. Cheguei!"
Por acaso ate trabalhava às 14h...mas ontem apetecu-me querbrar a rotina e lá fui eu, deitar-me na relva do Pinhal da Paz, até perder o calor do Sol ....
Banda sonora da tarde : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_B5KwtvHg4g (simples e perfeita para o efeito).
Obrigada !Foste imprevisivelmente fantástico!! Continua com ideias assim...

quinta-feira, novembro 15, 2007

A Letter to Myself...vale a pena ler!

"Dear Mary

It's not that I don't know, so I won't ask how you are. It's obvious that your spirit is saddened, and rightfully so with the heavy issues you are faced with.
Your lethargy is killing me, though! I know! You have never liked confrontation. Nobody does, but you have had a lot of it and you have learned to handle it with such great finesse. Confrontation is not the problem. It's the issues that have dictated the need for it.
(...) Take responsibility, Mary! When I say responsibility, I don't mean accountability, nor blame or guilt. When I say responsibility, I mean taking the issues that have been given you and methodically and wisely deal with them. From this day forward, if you do not accept this responsibility, you then become accountable and will be the blame for all that has happened. And only then will you have the right to feel guilty, because you will be.
(...)They say there are stages in the grieving process; i.e. shock, bargaining, depression, anger, acceptance.....GASP....DId you hear that? ANGER! That's it, isn't Mary? You are an angry woman! Remember the definition of sadness....sadness is anger withheld. This is wonderful news! Do you know why? Because anger is one of the last steps in the grieving process. And do you know what that means? That means that you are near the end of grieving. It's been nine months, and you are feeling the birthing process. You are being born again, Mary! You are being labored into a new life!
There is one more thing I want to say. I've never told you this before, because I thought you knew. That is my mistake and am changing it right now. And please think of this often: Nobody can do for you what I can; nobody can help you like I can; nobody can love you like I can. I am your best friend. And there is nobody else that I can say that to.
Não transcrevi a carta toda, por ser muito extensa, mas podem lê-la toda aqui: http://www.authorsden.com/visit/viewPoetry.asp?id=89594
Ah! Também mudei o nome da autora carta :)!! Um dia destes, escrevo a minha própria carta dirigida a je, myself... Mas não devo publicá-la, sorry friends :)!!! Mas essa aqui já me inspirou um bocado.

terça-feira, novembro 13, 2007

Depeche Mode - Freelove

"Hey girl
You've got to take this moment
Then let it slip away
Let go of complicated feelings
Then there's no price to pay "

Mafalda Veiga e Jõao Pedro Pais: ''Paciência''

Ainda...Mas está quase quase a passar...Prometo!

The most exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Later that day I got to thinking about relationships. There are those that open you up to something new and exotic, those that are old and familiar, those that bring up lots of questions, those that bring you somewhere unexpected, those that bring you far from where you started, and those that bring you back. But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous. "
Carrie - Sex and the City

segunda-feira, novembro 12, 2007

The Hurting time...

"To everything there is a purpose ...
To every blade of grass
And every leaf on every tree
Every livin' thing will surely
Come to pass
And what will be will be ...
That's when the hurtin' time begins

And all the things you never said
Or didn't have the strengh to say
And everything you ever did
That time won't ever wash away
Fears that you've been livin' with
Come runnin' down your face
Runnin' down your face
When the hurtin' time begins ..."

Annie Lennox

sexta-feira, novembro 09, 2007

Para ti halfinha!

Eu sei que ambas ficaremos mais fortes com estes pequenos desgostos!! Bora rir à gargalhada disso tudo?!!! :)
Beijo Enorme

terça-feira, novembro 06, 2007


- e então, ensinaram-me um novo brinde...

- foi?

- fónix... sim... primeiro sorri, depois achei que tem "montes" de cabimento...

- fónix?!? diz lá...- ao amor e que saibamos fugir dele quando nos faz mal...

- [...]

- então?

- [...]

- 'tão? não dizes nada?

- olha... vamos brindar a não termos de fugir..."

Já me passa...daqui uns minutos, estou NOVA!

" Maybe we like the pain. Maybe we're wired that way. Because without it, I don't know; maybe we just wouldn't feel real. What's that saying? Why do I keep hitting myself with a hammer? Because it feels so good when I stop."

Meredith Grey ( Grey's Anatomy)